A lot of people ask have begun to ask me what we have in our kitchen for meals and snacks. Most of what we have is for feeding a family of eight, mostly gluten free, somewhat Paleo. What we have is mostly fresh or frozen. We try to avoid the highly processed foods that come in all those middle isles of boxes, cans and jars. But they occasionally make our way into our home. Notice the premade pumpkin pie in our fridge!
Our fridge at home or on vacation generally includes:
Distilled Water, Naked Juice, Sparkling Water
Dressings, sauces, crushed garlic, maple syrup, jelly
Applesauce, dried apricots, fresh fruit (apples, bananas, grapes), Sweet/Green Peppers
Almond Milk, String Cheese, Block Cheese, eggs, yogurt, coconut butter, dairy butter
Pickles, fresh veggies (lettuce, onions, cucumbers, carrots)
Ground Turkey, deli meat, venison brats / turkey dogs, bacon pieces, other meats
My favorite thing to stock is sparkling water, lime LaCroix hits the spot as a carbonated drink. No sweetners of any kind, just bubbly water.
Our freezer [fridge and chest freezer] stays stocked with:
Frozen veggies (green beans, mixed veggies, zucchini, pumpkin, spinach)
Fruits (strawberries, blueberries)
Garden Burgers, Meatballs, Garden Lites muffins
Meat (ground turkey, chicken breasts, farm beef, venison)
Breads, incl gluten free loaves
Butter, ice cream, popsicles
Countertop and Dry Storage:
My kids are always asking for snacks, so I must always have apples and bananas on hand. This is also where I store my onions, sweet potatoes and squash on the countertops.
Other snacks are in locked cupboards. These are the basic gluten free chips and crackers, baby snacks, rice cakes, craisins, raisins, peanuts, pistachios, dried fruit, salsa and the like. However, the other cupboard holds our gluten or high carb snacks such as fruit snacks, potato chips, oatmeal, wheat pasta, croutons, popcorn, etc. As you can see, it's a rather empty spot.
Newer to having a real stash of canning goods (so much more next year), this is my mini section for canned tomatoes, pickles, venison, salsa, jams and relishes.
Our main pantry:
Top: Organic Coconut Sugar, Truvia for baking, Namaste Gluten Free Flour Blend, Trader Joe's Rolled Oats (Gluten Free), Brown Rice, Almond Flour, Coconut Flour
Middle: Sauerkraut, Peanut Butter, Marinara, Broth, Canned Tuna and Chicken, Canned tomatoes and fruit, Canned Beans, Garlic, etc
Bottom: Noodles (Brown Rice and Corn), Wild Rice, Gluten Free Pizza Crust, Quinoa, Chia seeds, Flax (ground), nuts
Base cabinet: Cereals, pancake mix, applesauce, peanut butter, and other gluten free breakfast foods.
Spices enhance any basic Meat and Veggies Meal!
*Notice supplements are part of our nutrient rich stash… (Melaleuca.com)
My liquid cooking cupboard includes olive oil, vinegar, honey, molasses, vanilla and coconut oil.
I hope this glance into my cupboards helps get your gears going on what you should have in your kitchen, and maybe what you should be throwing out? Of course we're always refining our diets and making changes to our meal plans. Please comment on your favorite parts of this post or link to what your cupboards look like!