Are you looking to make a big change for your whole family? Because what Mom wants to serve every meal buffet style... not this one. I'm home with my seven children every day, as we homeschool. So every meal is made in bulk, something everyone will enjoy, and varying portion sizes. Some days I feel like I'm running a restaurant, school, daycare, housekeeping, and entertainment center all at once. So I am sharing my journey through our first 30 days of clean eating to give you a head start without all the headache.
Obviously this is our first round and we are not professional nutritionists, so be sure to visit for the full program details.
Introduction and recipe/pinterest links here.
WEEK 1 MENU PLAN : Days 1-7
WEEK 2 MENU PLAN : Days 8-14
WEEK 3 MENU PLAN : Days 15-21
WEEK 4 MENU PLAN : Days 22-28
WEEK 5 MENU PLAN ; Days 29-30
After 30 days on the Whole 30 (at 27 weeks pregnant) I have lost 9lbs! This food paired with regular use of my Melaleuca Prenatal Vitamins has been a real boost to my system. My best non-scale victories include:
*normal blood sugars (no need for daytime insulin - I have Gestational Diabetes)
*no nightmares
*no desperate need for naps (no fatigue)
*no brain fog, I can multitask again!
*better control of emotions (that's a feat being pregnant)
*haven't been wearing my reading glasses
*no rashes and clearer skin
*no IBS symptoms
*no severe depression
*hypo-thyroid medication has remained level (typically changes in pregnancy)
*generally not feeling those pregnancy woes that come along around this time.
I am so happy to be feeding my family food that makes them feel better too!
My husband has lost 21 lbs and loves telling coworkers what's for lunch! He's upped his energy, has clearer vision, and no tingly spine pain after back injury. My 12yo daughter is down 6 lbs, clothes fit so much better, and she has reduced joint pain! My 10yo son fits his clothes better and has more zest in his step! My once winter-lethargic and distant minded little kiddos have a lot of energy ready to be unleashed when it warms up, and are very talkative.
January 2015 had its challenges, but we totally rocked it!